Snoreeze Nasal Strips

Key Features

  • Targets snoring caused by a cold, allergies or a blocked nose
  • Drug free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Latex-free
  • Available in a 10pcs pack




“I am really pleased and will order again as they do the job.
I have tried several makes, but these work best.”

How does it work?

Snoreeze Nasal Strips target snoring caused by a cold, allergies or a blocked nose. Their flexible bands gently open the airways and improve airflow to provide effective snoring relief.

How to use

Step 1

Wash and dry nose

Step 2

Position Correctly

Step 3

Press and hold firmly for 10 seconds.


Remove strip slowly and carefully.


If strip is difficult or painful to remove, wash nose with warm water before removal.

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