
Innovation is an essential part of ensuring that we continue to improve quality of life for consumers. It is this innovation which allows us to develop products that meet consumer healthcare needs and outperform those of our competitors.

It is key to our strategy to ensure that we have experienced bio-chemists on our team. However, we also understand how important relationships with external academics and scientists are for successful innovation. Since 2011, we have continually strengthened our research and development capacity by engaging a number of expert consultants linked with Sci-Tech Daresbury, Manchester University , Manchester Metropolitan University, Bradford University, Lancaster University and Chester University. As a member of Bionow, SciTech Daresbury, and North West Coast AHSN our philosophy is to seek to work in partnership with other organisations to develop and evidence new healthcare technologies and products.

Our University partnerships give us access to the thoughts of both the leading academics in the field and the bright minds of the future.

University of Sheffield – Our partnership with the University of Sheffield aims to deliver leading technology for the measurement of acoustics.

Lancaster University – Our work with Lancaster University aims to deliver leading technology for the measurement of acoustics.

University of Central Lancashire – Our Marketing team work with the University of Central Lancashire to create animations that illustrate our products.

University of Chester – Our Research & Development team work alongside The University of Chester on formulation work for our products.

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